Sunday, July 10, 2016

Brand New City and the End of a Curse

Most of the Moonstone Family have moved to a very cool world called Evansdale County created by Simsrealtor on the exchange =)  Link

My main legacy choice is Spruce simply because he is an imaginary friend whereas Wolfcreek was a normal, albeit very cool, sim. Spruce is in love with ex-mermaid Tidelle Reef and she moved with him to look for diving work.

In the end, I also moved Spruce's dad, Durango, to live out his days with his family.  Spruce's brothers, Wolfcreek, and Willie (half from mom's side, also imaginary) also came out to the new city.  Wolfcreek's wife Shirley died so their son Lydell is naturally with Wolfcreek.  Willie brought his girlfriend Pamela Lakeside and their daughter, Beatrix (imaginary).  They are moved around town.  Spruce and Tidelle live in the cute bungalow below!

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